August 29, 2023

How Branded Pins Put Your Business on the Map

“It's all about location, location, location." For decades, the success of any brick-and-mortar business has relied heavily on this principle. But in today's world, having a prime location is no longer enough. Digital visibility and discoverability are now equally important - especially in attracting on-the-go customers. As digital maps increasingly shape purchase choices, it is time to make a lasting impression by placing a Branded Pin on your customer's in-car screens.

What Are Branded Pins?

Branded Pins serve as digital billboards on navigational maps that inform and remind people about significant nearby locations during their travel or commute.

Currently, businesses can display their logos as Branded Pins on Google Maps. However, until now, this incredible opportunity has yet to be made available on the most important digital map for on-the-go customers: The in-car screen.

If you look at current in-car navigational screens, most businesses don’t even appear - And the ones that do are labeled with a basic standardized industrial icon (A restaurant appears as a fork and knife, for instance).

However, with 4screen’s new Branded Pins, you can finally display your actual logo on the car screen, reinforcing brand recognition and creating more location awareness for your customers.

Your Brand’s Next Digital Opportunity is Here

One of the keys to marketing and brand awareness success is repetition. A customer needs to be repeatedly reminded of who you are, how you can help them, AND where you are located. Only then will they make a positive purchase decision.

By using a Branded Pin on the car screen, you are constantly reminding drivers and on-the-move consumers of your exact location. Through consistent impressions on a daily-used platform, you can now build a pattern of familiarity that results in direct store visits.

Not only that, but your brand will stand out above other businesses and nearby competitors. Rather than getting lost in the sea of generic navigational icons, your brand will be prominently displayed, giving you a distinct advantage and capitalizing on those critical glimpses of attention.

And best of all, studies have shown that Branded Pins are favored by 92% of drivers compared to generic icons. Additionally, Branded Pins drive action among on-the-go consumers, with 62% of drivers expressing intent to visit a store after seeing a Branded Pin for the first time.

This is how important your branding is at all times – And how impactful Branded Pins can be in attracting on-the-go customers.

Branded Pins: Your New Customer Loyalty Accelerator

Brands and businesses worldwide understand the importance of having a recognizable, attractive logo - Psychologically, it fosters clear feelings of trust and loyalty while also delivering a strong and consistent message about your company.

And for marketing and promotional purposes, your logo will always deliver better results than text ever can - especially considering the fact that the human brain processes images 60,000x faster than words. 

Knowing that your business only has a fraction of a second to establish a connection with your intended audience – How would you prefer to appear on your customer’s in-car screen?

  1. Not at all…
  2. With your name alongside a generic industry icon?
  3. Or with your already established, recognizable, and trusted logo?

Top brands across multiple verticals, such as McDonald’s, Domino’s, Shell, and Tamoil, have already claimed their spot on the map and are experiencing significant in-car marketing success with direct-to-store visits.

Additional 4screen campaign options include:

  • Location
  • Time
  • Destination
  • Vehicle brand
  • Vehicle model
  • Engine type

One of the main factors for this campaign's success came down to the visibility of the brand's logo on the car screen. By landmarking their exact location with their nationally recognized logo, the brand was able to elevate themselves from their navigational surroundings, radically increasing discoverability.

But, 4screen's Branded Pins aren't just about providing better brand visibility. It is also the gateway to delivering dynamic offers through the Detail Screen for on-the-go customers. Once a driver presses the Branded Pin on their interface, a detail screen appears featuring a wealth of unique material, such as:

  • Promotional Detail Screen offers with QR Code accessibility
  • Star ratings & reviews
  • Branch phone number - with the ability to call directly from the car screen
  • Location-specific facilities and services:
    • Wi-Fi availability
    • Parking options
    • Restroom facilities
    • In-store features, e.g. salad bar, butchery, bakery
  • Opening hours
  • Street address
  • And, of course, destination point setting, which provides the best route directly to your door

And because 4screen is integrated into the vehicle's digital interface, it works in full collaboration and compliance with all safety and privacy regulations, ensuring that your message is delivered in the most effective, efficient, and secure way possible.

Don't wait for the competition to claim those vital moments of attention. Get your head start now and drop your Branded Pin on your customer's car screens today.

Click here to learn more, or book a meeting with an In-Car Marketing Advisor, and let’s connect.

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