November 9, 2023

Your Next Big Christmas Marketing Opportunity - In-Car Promotions

The holiday shopping season has officially begun! While online shopping has spiked in the past couple of years, 72% of shoppers still plan to make their Christmas purchases in-store. But how can brick-and-mortar businesses stand out from the pack and ensure customers engage with their holiday promotional message? The answer lies in a brand new Christmas marketing channel that connects businesses with on-the-go customers at their peak moment of purchase: Introducing In-Car Promotions.

In-car promotions are a new way for brands and businesses to connect, interact, and engage with drivers and nearby customers directly through the car screen, delivering dynamic offers, deals, and discounts.

Trusted by top brands across all touchpoints of a driver's journey, in-car promotional campaigns are proving to be an untapped channel for reaching responsive customers in an exclusive space.

But how can you incorporate this new advertising channel into your current Christmas marketing strategy?

Here are 4 in-car promotional ideas to get you started:

Christmas Marketing In-Car Promotional Ideas

Advent Car Promotion

Many brands and businesses feature Advent in their holiday marketing strategy – Providing exclusive offers and discounts each day between December 4th- 24th.

With 4screen, you now have the ability to utilize a new channel for delivering your Advent-themed deals, swapping the offer daily to keep your promotions fresh and unique.

Concept: Use an Advent Calendar as your Detail Screen visual. Then, each day, have a new graphic appear with a calendar date unlocked. And finally, with your copy, promote the day's new holiday offer:

christmas marketing in-car promotion

Free Gift with Purchase In-Car Promotion

There's no better way to celebrate the Season of Giving than by providing holiday shoppers with a special treat. So, for this year, how about offering a free gift to nearby customers as part of your Christmas marketing strategy? This can work as a special added incentive to drive more customers to your doors. 

christmas marketing strategy in-car promotion

Christmas Loyalty Points In-Car Promotion

Studies have found that 83% of customers are more likely to continue doing business with brands that offer loyalty programs.

This holiday season is the perfect time to foster loyalty and promote your reward schemes directly through the in-car screen.

christmas in-car marketing

Click here to see how leading supermarket brand, Kaufland, received fantastic results by running an in-car marketing campaign to promote their loyalty cards to on-the-go customers.

Gift Card In-Car Promotion

The global gift card market is steadily on the rise, valued at $884.76 billion and growing by 8% annually.

This astounding statistic raises an important question: Are you doing enough this Holiday Season to promote your gift cards?

Why not promote the gift of gift cards in an exclusive space this Christmas? With a 10x average ROAS on all in-car marketing campaigns, let's get those gift cards flying off the pegs.

Additional In-Car Christmas Marketing Benefits 

4screen doesn't only offer a platform for in-car offers and promotions. You can also use our Sponsored In-Car Search ad format to rank at the top of relevant driver search results. You can also have your logo appear on customers' car screens with a Branded Pin, literally boosting yourself above the competition in your area.

Maybe you would like to update your Christmas opening hours on customer's car screens.

In traditional in-car infotainment screens, it can take up to nine months to make any change about your business or location (And sometimes, it simply never updates). But by working with 4screen, we can swap in your new information and have it updated in just 15 minutes.

This is perfect for planning your upcoming holiday season and informing drivers of your latest Christmas Opening Hours. 

Now, all that's left to do is to get your new Christmas in-car promotional campaign on the road. Simply click here, and one of our advisors will help you get started.

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