September 14, 2023

How to Rank at the Top of In-Car Search

How can you solve your customer's problems if they can’t even find you? With more and more competitors fighting for attention, ranking at the top of your audience's search queries is harder than ever. But there is a new channel that top brands have found that is delivering immediate and tangible success. And it is a platform that millions of people engage with every single day: Sponsored In-Car Search. 

Sponsored In-Car Search is the new way for businesses to appear at the top of vehicle navigation screens and drive customers directly to their locations.

Unlike traditional car search functionality, 4screen's In-Car Search format combines unique vehicle data points as well as sophisticated on-route analysis to provide drivers with the most relevant and beneficial search results for their current needs.

And through 4screen's dynamic, targeted Sponsored Search campaigns, your business can now appear at the top of these in-car search results, radically increasing your chances of securing more business.

The Growing Impact of In-Car Search

One of the most significant developments in our modern lifestyle was the introduction of the digital map. From our phones to our car screens, these interactive maps have completely changed our behavior, habits, and schedule. But like everything in this digital world, evolution occurs.

With people spending more than 50 minutes behind the wheel every day, the in-car digital map has quickly become the tool of choice for planning their day and making critical purchase decisions. And each year, the number of in-car screens grows exponentially.

Following recent projections, the total number of digitally connected vehicles will skyrocket from 200 million in 2023 to a staggering 600 million by 2030. This means that the time is now for businesses worldwide to claim their spot.

How Your Customers Use In-Car Search

One of the main benefits of Google Maps is that it provides users with a wealth of options and alternatives to consider. In-Car Search, on the other hand, works in a much different manner.

Drivers who use In-Car Search must make quicker decisions and rely on the first results that appear on the screen, as they simply cannot afford to browse numerous alternatives due to time constraints. These search option limitations mean that the brands that appear at the top enjoy a very high conversion rate.

By working with 4screen, your brand, for the very first time, can now proactively appear as one of these top search queries, securing new business at your customer's highest moment of need.

Sponsored In-Car Search: The Additional Benefits

With Sponsored In-Car Search, not only will you rank in a top spot on the car screen, but your brand can also provide a wealth of relevant information to drivers on the initial search results. This includes the ability to feature your logo on the car screen for the first time, providing an additional branding opportunity.

4 Exclusive Sponsored In-Car Search attributes:

  • Your logo
  • Special amenities at the proposed location, such as Wi-Fi availability and parking options
  • Indication of an exclusive offer through the Detail Screen
  • Showcase immediate real-time business information on driver's car screens

Let's say you are opening your next branch at a brand new location. With traditional in-car navigation interfaces, it will take up to 9 months to update and appear on the map – if at all.

However, with 4screen, your latest location, opening hours (Including temporary holiday times), and brand information can be updated and visible within 15 minutes, giving you the best chance for driving more business directly to your locations.

Sponsored In-Car Search Success

In a recent campaign, the global energy brand, TotalEnergies, wanted to increase awareness of their multiple locations nationwide. Knowing that location alone won't provide growth in this new digital age, Totalenergies sought a new channel to connect with drivers. 

Through a strategic 4screen Sponsored In-Car Search campaign, in just six weeks, Totalenergies received a substantial +30% growth in search clicks by connecting with nearby drivers directly through the car screen.

And by utilizing 4screen's Detail Screen campaign, TotalEnergies drove even more business to their locations through a dynamic car wash promotion. This offer was positioned directly on the driver's car screen and accessible as a QR code scan, resulting in a significant increase in sales.

The car screen is quickly becoming the next big platform for digital marketers around the world. And now, with 4screen’s Sponsored In-Car Search campaigns, your business can actively rank at the top in real-time. So, join top brands, such as Shell, McDonald's, and Domino's, and ensure that your business appears when on-the-go customers need you the most.

Book a meeting with an in-car marketing advisor today to learn even more about how Sponsored In-Car Search can help your business.

And if you are looking to create even more exposure and visibility for your locations, then learn how 4screen’s Branded Pins ad format puts your logo on the map.

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